Demand Factor

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Can any one help me find where a demand factor would be for installing a service for (4) 150A modular classrooms in the NEC. I need it to be a 400 amp service.

charlie b

Staff member
Lockport, IL
Retired Electrical Engineer
The basic concept is that you must provide enough power to handle 100% of the connected load, plus an occasional 25% kicker for specific loads, UNLESS the NEC gives you a specific demand factor that permits you to provide a lesser amount of power. There is, for example, a demand factor for receptacles in non-dwelling units, and this might be applied to a portion of your classroom load. But there is no demand factor for a "modular classroom" as an entity unto itself. You need to do a load calculation, as nakulak has said.


Senior Member
Can any one help me find where a demand factor would be for installing a service for (4) 150A modular classrooms in the NEC. I need it to be a 400 amp service.

Do the load caclulations and list them on the forum. I am sure someone will
assist you.
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