Dental equipment issue...

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Senior Member
Louisville, Kentucky
I need to pick the brains of those smarter than me. I received a call today from a customer, an Orthodontist - Periodontist, who has had some "circuit boards" go bad in a digital X-ray machine, computer "hard drives" associated with this X-ray, a Dental Light and one other fluorescent luminaire. All of these pieces of equipment are in the same area of the Office.

The Office is a converted SFD, about 10 to 15 yrs. ago. I'm not sure if the X-ray machine is 240V or 120V.

The X-ray mechanic has mentioned that there could be a problem with power "spikes". While that sounds like an option I'm wondering if something has gone wrong with the circuit(s) in this area, maybe a loose neutral in a MWBC.

I would love to hear others thoughts and ways I might start to figure this out.

As always, thanks in advance.
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