Dental office chair feed

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I have to run a 120v 20a circuit to a dental exam chair.The building is on a concrete slab. I know that this is a paitent care area as per code 517.My question is can I feed this chair from the circuit panel with EMT and a separate grounding conductor run in the emt with the branch citcuit conductors.Or do I have to use rigid conduit. Thanks for any feedback.
I have to run a 120v 20a circuit to a dental exam chair.The building is on a concrete slab. I know that this is a paitent care area as per code 517.My question is can I feed this chair from the circuit panel with EMT and a separate grounding conductor run in the emt with the branch citcuit conductors.Or do I have to use rigid conduit. Thanks for any feedback.

the EMT with addition wire EGC is fine

517.13 Grounding of Receptacles and Fixed Electrical
Equipment in Patient Care Areas. Wiring in patient care
areas shall comply with 517.13(A) and (B).
(A) Wiring Methods. All branch circuits serving patient
care areas shall be provided with an effective ground-fault
current path by installation in a metal raceway system, or a
cable having a metallic armor or sheath assembly. The
metal raceway system, or metallic cable armor, or sheath
assembly shall itself qualify as an equipment grounding
conductor in accordance with 250.118.

250.118 Types of Equipment Grounding Conductors.
The equipment grounding conductor run with or enclosing
the circuit conductors shall be one or more or a combination
of the following:
(1) A copper, aluminum, or copper-clad aluminum conductor.
This conductor shall be solid or stranded; insulated,
covered, or bare; and in the form of a wire or
a busbar of any shape.
(2) Rigid metal conduit.
(3) Intermediate metal conduit.
(4) Electrical metallic tubing.
358.10 Uses Permitted

(B) Corrosion Protection. Ferrous or nonferrous EMT, elbows, couplings, and fittings shall be permitted to be installed in concrete, in direct contact with the earth, or in areas subject to severe corrosive influences where protected by corrosion protection and approved as suitable for the condition.

I would never install it in the earth or concrete but it is code compliant with proper protection.

I have to run a 120v 20a circuit to a dental office chairThe building is on a concrete slab. I know that this is a paitent care area as per code 517.My question is can I feed this chair from the circuit panel with EMT and a separate grounding conductor run in the emt with the branch citcuit conductors.Or do I have to use rigid conduit. Thanks for any feedback.
rigid conduit i guess
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