design - build spec.

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I am doing a design-build project that has in its spec the following . "That you are not to start construction until you have a 100% approved prints."
Well the owners and general started the building with 50% complete drawing.
My question is sence we started the construction at the general and owner demand, can I call the drawing we started with 100% approved prints for the
purpose on of changes in cost, that are now happening has a result of not doing the desing work on the front end.
Although they may not be 100% complete, it sounds like the owner and GC have approved them as 100% to start.

Kaching (the sound of change order money through an old style cash register)
The design-build contract is usually between the general contractor and the owner. The subcontractors have contracts with the general contractor who furnishes drawings and specs for their work. Your contract should ensure that you get paid for changes to those drawings and specs.
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