DAWGS said:
Have been getting a few opportunities to bid jobs that are design build. These are small jobs, for instance a tenant buildout for a dental office. I have all the special equipment requirements, and a floor plan, but do not have requirements for general power and lighting. This job will include demo of all electric in existing area, install new lighting and receptacles, and power for new dental equipment. I am trying to get as builts of existing install to see if I will have enough available power. How do you guys handle these jobs without engineered drawings? Does anybody use Volts design build software? or anyother types of software for design build?
Reading the other (11) replies
thus far, I can say w/o hesitation that I've done more D-B than anyone in this thread; jobs up to $30M. Not a slam - don't take it personal, just an observation based on what I've read. I've done D-B work from the perspective of a professional engineering firm and a top 100 contractor. I've done D-B work as large as $30M - yeah... the Div 16 contract; conceptual, sold, designed, managed, etc.
I don't know where you work, but 'round here, nothing (in the commercial realm) gets a permit w/o a stamp - period. So, you need a stamp and a design. Hmmmm...
I wouldn't waste my time on as-builts simply in the name of capacity, great info for other stuf, but not capaciy IMHO. Call the power company and ask for peak demand on the building. Here, peak demands occur in July/August. Take that data and compare it to the existing service i.e. stated peak demand of 175kW on a 800A 120/208 service gives you some room to work w/. Bear in mind that the previous tenant's general lighting, COs and HVAC are part of that existing peak. You're adding (plus or minus) only new xray, chairs, fish tank, etc. loads.
There are only (2) ways to do design-build work; the right way and the wrong way. The vast majority of people do it the wrong way. All parties are guilty in the wrong way; cheap owner, cheap/dumb GC, ECs lacking knowledge. Tuf to hear, but true.
Design-build demands that YOU are responsible for designing and building out the job. I'm going to suggest that instead of buying software to design it for you (don't know if that really exists, but you suggested it), take what you know about the space (or any other space you may be doing) and team up w/ a PE and build a relationship. Bring professional services to the table; to your "good" GCs and owners. Let them know you (and your PE) know your shiz and that you're not afraid to do things right. Does "right" cost more??? Sometimes. But, I prefer to suggest that "right" provides value that "wrong" can't touch. High value blows low cost away every time in my book. I can sell and stand behind high value any day. Shoddy work or poor design??? I'd rather not have my name associated thank you. I know a lot of div 16 electricians are down on "stupid engineers", but believe me, there's a meeting place and a need for both; a place where both can work to each other's advantage. Very few div 16 craftsmen have the professional skills of a PE, yet very few PEs have the creativiy and back-of-hand know-how of a skilled electrian. Think all PEs ought to spend a year in the field before the draw their first line? Try doing and more importantly really understanding all the aspect associated w/ bring a design from blank paper to an accurate, change-order free set of prints.
Find a good PE and ad their value to your work. Don't allow subjective "wants" from them enter into the equation. If you don't agree w/ what they're doing, bring it to table immediately. You're the boss; they're yours to manage.
I'd do work for
good ECs all day long if I could. Trust me when I say that the right professional services will have you inundated w/ D-B work if you're smart and know how to sell it.
I'm stepping off my soap box now...