Design for the Purpose

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Senior Member
Which article say where everything has to be Design for the purpose. Like ie using a 1900 blank cover for a KO closer ?
In general, the answer would probably be 110.3I(B) but the wording of 110.12(A) would seem to me to allow such a practice.
In general, the answer would probably be 110.3I(B) but the wording of 110.12(A) would seem to me to allow such a practice.
I agree with Augie. 110.12(A) would allow to make a KO seal out of just about anything that provides the same level of protection as the enclosure itself.
Assuming a a location where NEMA 1 enclosures are permitted, a 4" square cover will make a much more secure KO closer than the snap in ones that are commonly used.
I don't think there is such a thing. There is nothing that says I have to use a conduit strap only for conduit or a junction box only for splicing wires.
There are a few places that use the term "designed for the purpose"

(F) Supply Conductors Not Reduced in Size. Supply conductors

not reduced in size under provisions of 520.54(D) or (E)

shall be permitted to pass through holes in walls specifically

designed for the purpose. If penetration is through the fireresistant–

rated wall, it shall be in accordance with 300.21

(F) Support. Wiring for an amusement ride, attraction, tent,
or similar structure shall not be supported by any other ride or
structure unless specifically designed for the purpose.
(I) Termination(s) at Devices. Flexible cords and cables entering
enclosures containing devices requiring termination shall
be secured to the box with fittings listed for connecting flexible
cords and cables to boxes designed for the purpose.
But it's not exactly saying to use certain items for certain things like the OP asked.
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