Detached garage

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It may be supplied by one, two, or three circuits if they're all from a single MWBC. So if you run one MWBC you're good. More circuits than a single MWBC would require a sub-panel. Take a look at 225.30.

Welcome to the Forum. :)
That's it as far as I know. Was that the code section you were looking for or were you thinking that there may be something else?
12/2 with ground, 2 pole breaker in the panel. No ground rods.
If not that, then 1" PVC, 4 #8s, small panel and ground rods, 40 amp breaker
Does a detached garage with only one circuit need a subpanel? I can't find in the NEC where a subpanel is required.

Need more info. How big of circuit, voltage, phase.

Is the one circuit feed from another building which has panel breaker and circuit go outside and into garage if yes then see post #2 code section above your warm welcome forum message something about disconnect. More important question disconnect would it be fused or non fused or breaker or without breaker


does garage itself and circuit feed from electric utility service in that case 230.71 I think.
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