Deteriorated insulation on Pin Adapter

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Hey guys, I have some deteriorated insulation on some pin adapters on some of my larger wire in a few panels.

What should I do here per NEC? New pin adapters, insulate the pin adapters with super 88, or other. I want to do the right thing here to make it safe per code.

I know that many of you have probably already run up on this before.
deteriorating or bad connection ?

phase A (and B) not looking too good at breaker..

maybe a bit more than tape...

wondering if that has to do with heat dissipation from the breaker ???
Yes!! I am that the deterioration was caused by overheating! I do appreciate your input. I believe the lugs were not correctly tightened, but I am rechecking to make sure we have the right pin adapter as well. There will certainly be follow up heat scans.

I appreciate your insight into how to correct this per NEC
I appreciate your insight into how to correct this per NEC

hold on there ..................... I didn't say anything like that ? :- )

there's a few could be's of what happened I think

Should the adapters be replaced, how's the breaker looking?

I was just throwing my 2 cents (thoughts) in ..

looking a phase C..... even though the pin insulation is more intact it still looks like something going on in the lug ??

(in my previous post I mentioned heat dissipation from the breaker, I meant that as far as wire insulation and breaker ratings to dissipate heat from the breaker.... not as in loose connection. It looks like pictures and wiring I've in the field where wire insulation, load and breaker ratings weren't correct).
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Hehe. No, I didn't mean it like that. That is the danger of writing and emails. It can come out wrong.

Anyway, I do think I will need to replace some lugs and maybe breakers. I figure I can pigtail some of these if I have trouble with the replacing the pin adapters.

I am not sure how easy or hard it is to replace the pin adapters that look bad. I am also unsure if I can legally tape the existing pin adapters that don't look too bad.

That is where I need insight. What is the proper fix?
don't want to miss lead you.

I wouldn't know how to confirm the breaker is not damaged internally. Are lugs seized?

Take load measurements, clean connections and evaluate. Check every thing is properly rated. ???
I'd guess that the pin terminals weren't tightened in the breaker properly, they weren't pressed onto the wires correctly, or the tight bend radius and age of the wire caused the flaking insulation.
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