Device Finishes

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Senior Member
Today I was talking to a customer about devices. She brings up the matted finish versus the gloss finish. I had never even thought about that.

I could be more up to speed on finishes and higher end stuff but I don't do most of the selling, so I'm not.

Is there even such a thing as matted with standard Lutron and Leviton and others?

Do you guys have some links I could go to to see some newer specialer stuff? Or other insights.


Senior Member
Re: Device Finishes

Wow, I did not know that. I'll have to E-mail the customer.

Thank you.


Senior Member
Re: Device Finishes

Hey Curt, You're right up the street from me in San Jose.

Boy am I observant, I never noticed. Welcome to the neighborhood. :cool:


Senior Member
Re: Device Finishes

These people are very particular. I adjusted a couple plates that were maybe a 1/4? off. Of course when I was done they were perfect. But they're still like, I don't know, is that straight, hmm, I'm not too sure, isn't it a little to the left, honey, is my micrometer in the garage?

So I'm not surprised that the finish came up.

No complaints about anything though so my typical installation habits must be at least acceptable.

But I'm glad it came up actually because I haven't been paying enough attention to devices. Even new dimmers and stuff. I'm getting too lazy to go look at this stuff when I'm not busy. Like right now for instance. :D
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