Diagnostic Equipment

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Esteemed Member
I recently had a CT skan, and an Echo Electrocardiograph made of my 73 year old carcass.

The skan was of my lungs, the cardiograph was of my heart. My heart was perfect, my lungs failed miserably. This is all for evaluation of my pending surgery.

The echo skan is essentially the same as sonar.

I was interested in the resistance of my skin in relation to the quality of the photographs. The technician showed me the difference in dry skin and then, after the solution they use is applied.

There was a remarkable difference. This proved to me why the redundant ground and isolation transformers are used to power this equipment.

Are hospital grade receptacles required in all diagnostic areas?
Re: Diagnostic Equipment

Did you ask for copies of any of the pictures. You could post pictures of your lungs on this web site. It just might help some of the current smokers to find the wherewithall to quit. Nothing like a picture of smoking damaged lungs to remind someone just how deadly smoking is.
Re: Diagnostic Equipment


Per NEC, hospital grade receptacles are required at "patient bed" locations. Your state dept. of public health may additional requirements.

I started trying to quit smoking about 3 years ago, and haven't smoked in about the last year. But, I do still chew the nicotine gum. The funny thing is, when I reccomend nicotine gum to people, they all say that it tastes terrible. If they only knew how bad a cigarette tastes after one has kicked the habit for about 2 weeks, they would see the irony.

Re: Diagnostic Equipment

Bennie, I am truly sorry to hear about your health, hope thing work out.

Couple of questions for you.

1. Are you a smoker or have you ever been?

2. Why do you feel redundant grounding and isolation transformer have any relation to dry skin in the photographs? Sounds like the lotion did the trick.
Re: Diagnostic Equipment

Yes, I was a smoker. I quit but too late. The lung surgery is planned to remove one third of each lung.

Maybe I'll get photo's of the section removed and really gross everyone out. Maybe some will quit smoking.

My remarks about the grounding is due to the isolation transformers using the ground reference to measure the insulation of the windings, and determining the possible leakage current that may be available on the sensor pads attached to the human body.

My body resistance could withstand a higher voltage when the skin is dry than when the pads are treated with the conductive solution.
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