I did a service load calculation for a building. It requires minimum 208V 3-phase 3000 amp switchboard.
I will intentionally oversize it to 4000 amps instead of providing 3000 amps because I have no idea what future loads the building will need in years from now.
What is the difference between a 3000 amp switchboard vs a 4000 amp switchboard besides the cost, and amperage?
Is there any other benefit from going to a 3000 amp switchboard to 4000 amps?
I will intentionally oversize it to 4000 amps instead of providing 3000 amps because I have no idea what future loads the building will need in years from now.
What is the difference between a 3000 amp switchboard vs a 4000 amp switchboard besides the cost, and amperage?
Is there any other benefit from going to a 3000 amp switchboard to 4000 amps?