Differences between 220.42, 220.45, and 220.47 ( NEC 2023)


Hi all,
What's the differences between 220.42, 220.45, and 220.47 ( NEC 2023)?

  • 220.42 is for commercial bldg lighting loads
  • 220.45 is for all-bldg's, general illumination load calculations (difference between 220.42?)
  • 220.47 is for commercial bldg receptacle load calculations (only ?)

Hi all,
What's the differences between 220.42, 220.45, and 220.47 ( NEC 2023)?

  • 220.42 is for commercial bldg lighting loads
  • 220.45 is for all-bldg's, general illumination load calculations (difference between 220.42?)
  • 220.47 is for commercial bldg receptacle load calculations (only ?)

You tell me.

220.42 Lighting Load for Non-Dwelling Occupancies.
(A) General.
A unit load of not less than that specified in Table 220.42(A) for non-dwelling occupancies and the floor area determined in 220.5(C) shall be used to calculate the minimum lighting load. Motors rated less than 1⁄8 HP and connected to a lighting circuit shall be considered general lighting load.

220.45 General Lighting.
The demand factors specified in Table 220.45 shall apply to that portion of the total branch-circuit load calculated for general illumination. They shall not be applied in determining the number of branch circuits for general illumination.

220.47 Receptacle Loads — Other Than Dwelling Units.
Receptacle loads calculated in accordance with 220.14(H) and (I) shall be permitted to be made subject to the demand factors given in Table 220.45 or Table 220.47.
Sound right?

220.42 is to calculate the lighting load for a non dwelling Occupancy
220.45 allows a demand factor to be applied to certain lighting loads.
220.47 applies to the receptacle load calculation for other than dwelling units.