digicon optipulse controler

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New member
we are useing old digicon optipulse controlers on our precipatators for the recovery boilers.
first thing does anyone have a manual or any paperwork on the controller or the pdo855 printed circuit board,test points,wiring diagram etc.

second: having issues with blowing of the firing boards gone through three this month on one section. controller will either ramp up way to fast and blow main 200 amp fuse ,to fast for controller to cut back.
no scr firing at this point,most likley we have blown the firing board.
we have been told that the feild inside the chamber has seen better days.worping of collector plates and dicharge electrodes not in good shape.

I guess what I am asking is,can a defective feild blow components,ie scr's,firing boards and even the main processor pdo855 board

big number in the sparks when running sometimes a hundred a minute but the controller was doing it's job cutting back the current and voltage.
had the controller working today by changing the firing board out but only lasted for 20 min or so,assuming excessive sparking,or a short in the feild as the velocity of the gases increases.just a guess.

more questions to come. thanks for any input you have

johnny out
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