Diming a transformer can

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peter d

Senior Member
New England
Re: Diming a transformer can

Sure. Just make sure the dimmer is suitable for use with a transformer. Is the xformer magnetic or electronic? Either way, you would need a specific dimmer suitable for the type of transformer.

Magnetic low voltage dimmers are expensive, but
if it's electronic, then you will be paying considerably more for the dimmer. :eek:


Senior Member
Re: Diming a transformer can

Thanks we were getting yeses and no.We will be putting dimer on the 120 volt side,this is a magnetic transformer.Will this fit in a standard 4 square ?

peter d

Senior Member
New England
Re: Diming a transformer can

Originally posted by jimwalker:
Will this fit in a standard 4 square ?
It depends on hom much stuff is in the box allready. ;) The case for a low-voltage dimmer is no different than any other dimmer. It takes up a lot of room and can be a pain to install in crowded boxes. :roll:


Senior Member
Re: Diming a transformer can

Check the Transformer, some are marked "Not For Use With Dimmer"...although I don't know why!?!?
I'm talking about the one I have...a 150W "Plug in" type used for 12 V. lighting.

Maybe the manufacturer acknowneged the fact that dimmimg an outlet is a violation. ???

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