dimmable compact florescent bulbs

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i hope this is OK, it's not a UL issue, i just want some advice. has anyone had experience with dimmable florescents that screw into a regular incandescent socket? are they noisey? any manufacrurers to watch out for? i can get them in, Maxlite, TCP, Greenlite, Westinghouse and ENERGY STAR.
Re: dimmable compact florescent bulbs

i've tried a couple different brands (but not recently).

Neither was especially good. It would dim, but it just was not like an incandescent bulb does. It tended to shut off all together midway as I worked the dimmer. The quality of the light was not all that great either.

Maybe they have improved in the last couple of years since I tried them last. Certainly, CF bulbs in general are much better than they were just a few years ago.
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