I am having a problem with dimming/flickering lights on a recently finshed project. I have 17 Graphic eyes controlling different light in different rooms, as well as local dimmers in some rooms. The problem seems to be isolated to 1 panel, specifically the A phase of this panel. I have checked the resistance of the main breaker at the service entrance as well as the resistance of the circiut breakers feeding the circuits on the A phase side of the panel, all were with in tolerances. I found neutrals of seperate circuits were combined in the Graphic Eye interphases, so they were separated accordingly. Ther is no pattern to the flickering/dimming. The HVAC contractor has soft start kits on all of the A/C compressor motors and have been shut off and restarted while monitoring the lights. No flicker or dimming noticed. The cutomers are out of town for the summer so minimal lights, appliances, computers, etc aer being used. Any further suggestions would be helpful.