disconnect hums..

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New York
Went on a return service call to today...
breaker was changed 6 months ago same problem
Noise in disconnect

Setup is : 400 amp service with 2-200 amp squ.D main breaker disconnects
2 discounts sit above a trough

Problem is a loud hum.. This disconnect feeds a 200 amp main breaker panel
about 225 feet SER to the basement . biggest load is the electric heat ( hot air)
total load amps at panel 108 amps both legs
heats uses 3 feeds 2 -60amp and 1 -30amp
Unit it self contains 3 -2 pole breakers 60 , 60 ,25
wire was 2 sets of #6 and 1 set of #10

Fun starts: in the heater was a factory jumper that combines the 3 ,2-pole breakers
60,60,25, for use with 1 feed Must be removed when use of more than 1 feed
Not the case here

the 2 #6's were landed on both lugs to the jumper ( Bad Idea)
#10 was used to feed the 20 amp 240v condensation pump outlet (btw tailed with thhn#12) Big NO NO,,,

Both 60 amp breakers found tripped in Main panel

Amp reading went up to 95 amps to load on start up drops to 68
i watched 1 trip my self after a few minutes
watch amps jump on second breaker to trip point
(was carrying full load after first breaker tripped)

My FIX: removed factory jumper landed each pair of #6's to each 2 pole 60breaker
#10 to the 25 amp 2p breaker (removed #12 tails to pump )

New reading 48 amps for each load now no breaking tripping :)
Back to the garage Disconnect still Humming, @$#% !
out with some rubber pads to try to isolate noise , No go :(
try new breaker No go :(

You can feel the vibration on the wire with full load on
Any one got any ideas to shut this drum up?
Call Norm from this old house and shoot a can of great stuff into trough and disconnects?
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