Disconnect Required?

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I went to look at a project today where the homeowner is having a pool installed, and the utilities run directly under where the pool is going. Needless to say they are looking to relocate the UG utilities. Due to the property layout, poco requirements,ETC, the new meter is going to be located in a remote location from the house;i.e; pedestal. I have never installed a pedestal meter. My only question is:Do I need a disconnect at the point where the service lateral comes up on hte house.BTW-Im planning on removing the existing meter and using either a JB or a disconnect to reconnect the feeders coming off the existing meter, so the possible requirement of a disco will affect my price. Any info would be appreciated.
in this jurisdiction, it would depend on where the existing disconnect is located in realtion to the existing meter. If the location meets the "closest to conductors entering the building", then relocating the meter to a pedestal would no require any changes at the house.
The service is 400A. Right behing the existing meter are a 200A MB panel and a 200A disco feeding a panel elsewhere, so my junction point would be nearest the point of entry.
that being the case, here no disconnect would be required...simply move the meter, probably J box at house and tap underground service to panels. I would suggest you check with local AHJ & POCO however.
sounds good to me

sounds good to me

A quick review of 230 VI. Service Equipment-Disconnecting Means, will reveal that you do not need one unless there is a jurisdictional limitation.

2008 NEC
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