I should start by saying that I am new to the forum and don't have any formal training working with VFDs. So if I say something foolish, I'll apologize in advance. I have an existing installation that uses an Allen Bradley VFD on an agitator. Because of safety concerns, we have added a local disconnect near the motor. The control system monitors the VFD frequncy and current outputs to indicate that the agitator is running. However if the local disconect is left off, the motor does not run but the contol system shows the agitator is running; i.e. the current output is not equal to zero and the frequency does not show zero. The current output signal from the VFD not being zero when the motor is not connected is confusing to me. I now understand that the frequncy output signal from the drive indicates what it is attempting to do, even though the motor isn't connected. I had wrongly assumed that the frequency output was an indication of the actual speed not the "wanted" speed. My question is: What is the best way for the control system to identify based on signals from the control system that the disconnect has been left in the off position when the control system is attempting to run the agitator, so that it can alert the operator about the issue. Thank you.