The prohibition is on service conductors in the same conduit as feeders and/or branch circuit conductors. Generally, you can do it with branch circuit or feeder conductors, but you may need to consider derating.
Also, trying to imagine what you are doing. If the conductors on the load side of the disconnect go to the same cabinet as the supply conductors, there’s marking rules in article 312 that apply for that. Not sure what you’re doing but this may apply to yowe Put in
Yes you can run both line and load in the same raceway. As Josh stated you may need the derate if you have more than 3 CCC's in the single raceway. If the raceway is 24" or less no derating required.We put in a new hot water heater and the old disconnect is behind the heater and the inspector wants it moved so we were going to use one conduit for line and load do to it is in a really bad location to try and get to conduits. Thanks Curtis