Disconnecting Means AC condensor

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Occupational Safety &Health Specialist
Hi Mike. I watch a lot of your videos and love the clarity you provide. I have electrical experience 10+ years ago but by no means an expert on the current codes. Recently I lost power during a storm here in PA. It was hot and humid so at the time we had our AC on. I have a generac automatic standby generator for all the essentials. To beat the heat on the 2nd floor, I used my portable generator and powered my 2nd floor condenser. That helped keep us cool while we slept. My question relates to disconnecting means. Currently, I have an outdoor 2/p 30 disconnect with a breaker. Does the code allow me to swap that out with a 2 pole double thro switch? I would like to make a set up so if I were to need to run that condenser on generator power, I could just plug it in and not have to pull breaker and temporarily hook it up. Thanks in advance for any feedback. God bless
I would suggest you contact a local electrician. Sorry, but per Forum rules, we are not allowed to help those not in the electrical trade.
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