Disconnecting Means for Auxiliary Heating Coil

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Senior Member
Electrician, semi-retired
There are 2 air handlers hung above the ceiling in the bathroom of
a commercial space. Each air handler is equipped with a 10KW auxiliary heating coil. The panel is in the corridor right outside the bathroom
door, 6 feet from the air handlers as the crow flies.

According to common practice, and the "line of sight" rule, we placed disconnects above the ceiling for the air handlers. However, do I need
disconnecting means in the ceiling for the auxiliary heating coils, since the
panel is so close, and they have no motors ? (Pardon me, but
I seem to have misplaced my handbook so I couldn't check it out before)
I would agree with Larry based on 424 Part VI, "Duct Heaters"
Most of the duct heaters and air handlers I've run across have built in disconnects with a definite off position.
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