disconnecting means for industrial control panel

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Iam installing a 3phase branch ckt to an industrial control panel. It is not within sight of the power panel. The ckt is in conduit to the controller and terminated on the controllers main disconnect. I was then informed by a nonelectrician that I needed another disconnect before entering the control panel.


Senior Member
North Carolina
Re: disconnecting means for industrial control panel

430.102 Location.
(A) Controller. An individual disconnecting means shall be provided for each controller and shall disconnect the controller. The disconnecting means shall be located in sight from the controller location.


Re: disconnecting means for industrial control panel

Since you have terminated on the controllers main disconnect, you have fulfilled the requirement of 430.102, as allowed in 430.103.
Who is asking for a disconnect? Is he a safety inspector? Is there an OSHA requirement for a lockable disconnect at this location? You are NEC code compliant, but usually there are other factors to consider!



Senior Member
Northern illinois
Re: disconnecting means for industrial control panel

this is pretty common. I suspect it started out as a way to reduce the cost of the equipment by having the end user supply the disconnect (typically at a bus drop).

as long as there is a means of disconect, you are well within code. Keep in mind however, that industrial control panels need to meet the requirements of NFPA79. The wiring to the panel is covered by NEC.

jim dungar

Staff member
PE (Retired) - Power Systems
Re: disconnecting means for industrial control panel

409 is the correct article for industrial control panels.

409.21 says the overcurrent protection can be upstream or integral to the panel. A "local" disconnect is not listed as a requirement.

Industrial control panels themselves do not follow the same rule as motor circuits.
409.30 refers you to part IX of 430 if there are motor controllers internal to the panel. In particular 430.92 covers motor control centers but again this only deals with the overcurrent protection not a "main" disconnect. The exception to 430.112 is the allowance for a single panel disconnect to be used instead of individual motor disconnects.
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