Disconnecting Means

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Just a general question to think about and see where it points to.
In residential applications, single family, the code requires disconnecting means on all motor driven appliances (air handlers, compressors, pool pumps, etc). The code leads from article to article as to the exact locations and allows for locking type devices when disconnects cannot be installed within sight of the associated appliance. The question is, Can the outside main disconnect serve as this alternate location for the appliance disconnecting means? This is assuming that an outside main is present, there is no physical room, nor a suitable alternative location for the serving disconnect. If the outside main is lockable, could it be possible to use this as the disconnecting means for the air handler? How about the condenser? How about in place of a circuit breaker lock for the dishwasher? I'm not saying this would be a logical location, but I can't find in the code where it could not serve this purpose. No one wants to tell a homeowner they are going to kill power to the whole house to swap out the dishwasher or install a fuse at the transformer of an air handler, but could it be done?
430.108 for instance says

430.108 Every Disconnecting Means. Every disconnecting
means in the motor circuit between the point of attachment
to the feeder or branch circuit and the point of connection
to the motor shall comply with the requirements of
430.109 and 430.110.

It seems evident that the required disconnect is to be in the motor circuit.
Article 430 seems to cover motor disconnects well, except when you follow the trails presented by the NEC, there appears to be routes through exceptions, notes, and other referenced articles that allow for other methods like circuit breaker locks etc. In the final scheme of things the outside main is lockable and the lock can remain in place as needed. Again, I would never use this method as it is absurd, but for purposes of meeting the code, is it possible?
Only if the "main disconnect" is also the branch circuit protective device. Where do you run into this? Single load services like a pumping station.
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