Disconnecting meter socket

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SW of Chicago
Could someone please tell me what is the correct rule when requiring a disconnecting meter socket (DMS). I have two different inspectors telling me two different ideas. One inspector is telling me you count the six feet from the meter socket to the panel. The other is saying you only count the six feet from the point of intrusion into the building. So if I have a meter socket, than 30' of pipe then through the wall five feet to the panel, would this require a DMS or not?


Senior Member
Raeford, NC
Could someone please tell me what is the correct rule when requiring a disconnecting meter socket (DMS). I have two different inspectors telling me two different ideas. One inspector is telling me you count the six feet from the meter socket to the panel. The other is saying you only count the six feet from the point of intrusion into the building. So if I have a meter socket, than 30' of pipe then through the wall five feet to the panel, would this require a DMS or not?

No clear rule. Code says "closest point of entry". IF in your area they allow six feet then inspector #2 is correct. My area the inspectors would not allow six feet there rule of thumb is no more than twice the length of the panel.
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