Disconnects for bank of outdoor condensing units

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Does anyone know the rules for placement of disco's for condensing units? I know the height, but isn't there something like they can't be mounted directly behing units or something? There is a bank of 3 of them on a slab, 6 inches of spacing in between them. They are about 2 feet off the building. Can the disco's just line up with the center of each one at the proper height on the building?

I suspect that you are thinking of the need for access space around each disconnect. Especially if they are fused disconnects that need to be opened up for fuse changes, your AHJ may want to see the code described access space between the disconnects and the units.
Whether a disconnect is indeed equipment requiring access space is a controversial question.
As Golddigger mentioned, there is some debate as to such disconnects falling under the provisions of 110.26 ie: subject to be examined while energized).
In this area all the inspectors consider them as subject to the rules but your AHJ mat see it otherwise.
If deemed applicable, the provisions of 110.26 apply. (Voltage dependent rules)
Most commonly I when there are multiple units with inadequate access between them, I see the disconnects grouped adjacent to the bank of units.
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