Distance between buried communication and hv conduits

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New member
I am doing a job in New Jersey that has two conduits direct buried. One conduit contains service conductors and the other conduit will be for telecommunications. The voltage of the service conductors is less than 15kv.

I would like to directional bore both conduits at the same time using HDPE. The engineers drawings show a distance between the conduits of not less than 12" but I would like to pull both conduits together. I am thinking there could be the potential for interference but would like to ask the experts if this is doable (best practice and NEC code wise).:-?

p.s. my first post

chris kennedy

Senior Member
Miami Fla.
60 yr old tool twisting electrician
Welcome to the Forum.

It would be my guess that the EE's spec reflects the POCO (Power Company) spec. 12" is the POCO spec from primaries to other utilities here.
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