Distance between J-boxes

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In a {relatively} recent issue of an electrical trade magazine, an article mentions that the code limits the distance of a pipe run to no more than 100' between boxes, but fails to say where such a code may be found. I have not been able to find it in the hard copy, nor CD copy of the NEC. (96,03,05).
Does anyone know if this is a national code, and if so, where I could read it?


Senior Member
Norfolk, VA
Re: Distance between J-boxes

I've heard this same code "myth" for over 30 years. If it ever was in the NEC it's not now. Maybe we need someplace in this forum for most frequently quoted myths of the NEC. :D


Senior Member
Re: Distance between J-boxes

Reply to JDcalelectrician
Could you possibly let us know what magazine and what issue. If several of us letter write the magazine they may possibly publish a retraction of this statement, and therefor help to stop the myth from continuing.


Staff member
Re: Distance between J-boxes

Originally posted by JDcalelectrician:
In a {relatively} recent issue of an electrical trade magazine, an article mentions that the code limits the distance of a pipe run to no more than 100' between boxes, but fails to say where such a code may be found. I have not been able to find it in the hard
Is it possible they where talking about BICSI standards and not the NEC?

It would not surprise me if BICSI limits pulls to 100'.


Staff member
New Jersey
Journeyman Electrician
Re: Distance between J-boxes

I often wondered about the 360 degrees of bend rule for conduit. If the run is more than 360 degrees we insert a pulling point in the run. My question is by code, are we required to use it? Or if we choose, is it just to get the rope in or to slap on some pulling lube?


Staff member
Re: Distance between J-boxes

Originally posted by infinity:
If the run is more than 360 degrees we insert a pulling point in the run. My question is by code, are we required to use it? Or if we choose, is it just to get the rope in or to slap on some pulling lube?
I think you are correct with the intent of the rule however it is not written that way.

I know I have pulled through more than 5 - 90s.

If your using a power puller I suggest bracing any large box you pull through. :D


Senior Member
Northern illinois
Re: Distance between J-boxes

Originally posted by infinity:
I often wondered about the 360 degrees of bend rule for conduit. If the run is more than 360 degrees we insert a pulling point in the run. My question is by code, are we required to use it? Or if we choose, is it just to get the rope in or to slap on some pulling lube?
I don't think code actually requires you to use it. While the code briefly mentions workmanship, it never really defines what that is.

Personally, I have never quite understood the 360 degree rule. Its just another arbitrary rules someone made up with no real science behind it.

There are many cases where you can pull through a lot more than 360 degrees, or not be easily able to easily pull though 90 degrees.

IMO, this kind of thing is better left to the guy doing the work.


Inactive, Email Never Verified
Re: Distance between J-boxes

Originally posted by infinity:
If the run is more than 360 degrees we insert a pulling point in the run. My question is by code, are we required to use it? Or if we choose, is it just to get the rope in or to slap on some pulling lube?
See 342.26, 344.26, 348.26, 350.26, 352.26, 354.26, 356.26, 358.26, 362.26 (2002 NEC)


Senior Member
Re: Distance between J-boxes

None of those code references state that we must use the pull box located every 360 degrees. They merely state that there shall not be more than 360 degrees between pull points.


Senior Member
Re: Distance between J-boxes

For years the city of Tampa has required all pool equip.feeds to be run in conduit,they are 02 cycle but it has been an addendum since I moved here in the 80`s.
I did a 2 story custom and to get from point a to point b.90 above panel through trusses 90 down wall at location and 90 out,20 270 at this point.Well the floor truss system was scissor trusses and there was a stair case dead in the middle of a straight run,so with a lite sweeping motion now we are talking about over a 120 ft run to get around the stairwellI ran the pvc with no hard kicks 45`s etc. just a slight sweepto get around it.BLAM RED TAG.More than 360 degree of bend allowed.
There was a closet under stairs so i put a pull box there and spent 1/2 a day redoing something that IMO was a waste of time :mad:


Inactive, Email Never Verified
Re: Distance between J-boxes

None of those code references state that we must use the pull box located every 360 degrees. They merely state that there shall not be more than 360 degrees between pull points.
Yup, I completely misunderstood the question. :eek:


Senior Member
Re: Distance between J-boxes

They do not require a box, but they do require some means of a pull point. That pull point is usually most easily done installing a box, but conduit bodies may work as well.
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