Distance of a Div 1 Class 1 area

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I installed Class 1 Div 1 lighting in a Tank Truck Rack where hazardous materials are unloaded. 10ft away on the side of an existing building, I installed a standard wallpack light RAB since it was a replacement of an existing light (non-classified).

There is discussion that the wallpack light should also be a Class 1 Div1 fixture. What are your thoughts on this?
Compliance is dependent on the location of classified hazardous boundaries and even more so of course that the boundaries have been properly established. It is also entirely possible that boundaries have changed since the original non-classified fixture was installed.
I think you should have electrical area classification document as required by Section 500.5(A).

You can also review Table 515.3.
Nfpa 499

Nfpa 499

I just recieved a non-compliance for a similar situation and the inspector sited NFPA 499 Art.5.5. If you think our codebook is fun to read, try that one. The Figure 5.8 gave a much clearer picture of the isuue in my installation, and may provide some clarity for you as well.
I just recieved a non-compliance for a similar situation and the inspector sited NFPA 499 Art.5.5. If you think our codebook is fun to read, try that one. The Figure 5.8 gave a much clearer picture of the isuue in my installation, and may provide some clarity for you as well.
Citing NFPA 499 means the AHJ has adopted the standard as law. How common is this among all AHJ's?
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