Do holes within 12" support MC?

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Senior Member
If you have a horizontal run through studs and the drilled or punched holes are within 12" of your box do the holes count as securing the MC?
IMO, the holes support the wire but they do not secure it. I would add a staple but it seems to me to be unnecessary.
That does need some clarification. I'm pretty sure the intent isn't that the holes support the cable if it's within 12" of a box. Seems to me that it's probably easier on the MC than bending it over and strapping it to the stud though.
Even each raceway article allows support run through bored holes in framing members but still requires it to be 'securely fastened' within 3 feet of termination point (1 foot for most flexible raceways).

This may allow for some judgement to come into play of what is 'securely fastened'. A 2 inch hole with a 1/2 inch cable or raceway through it may be obvious. What about a 1/2 EMT through a 3/4 hole? It may fit tighter than an actual 1/2 EMT strap fits.
I believe the idea behind this rule is to insure that the cable does not move around to where it can get hit by a sheetrock screw or something. It would seem that if the hole were less than 12" from the box the chances of the cable moving much is pretty small. It would be an AHJ call.
I believe the idea behind this rule is to insure that the cable does not move around to where it can get hit by a sheetrock screw or something. It would seem that if the hole were less than 12" from the box the chances of the cable moving much is pretty small. It would be an AHJ call.

But the thing is the AHJ may let it go with MC cable, yet will tell you you must secure the exact same thing if it is NM cable. Both have the same secure/support rules from box to first support except for when you have a 1 gang box with NM and there is no clamp in the box then you have the 8 inch securing requirement.
I certainly like the idea of not straping MC if it is through a hole within 12" of the box. I wonder what the intent of the code is for that section?
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