Do I even need a disconnect on my enclosure?

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I took a look around before posting, looking to see if this had been asked before. I seems that it hasn't.

I'm building a piece of small machinery (a small NEMA 12 cabinet with a few small motors, PLC, pneumatics, etc) and the whole thing draws <10A @ 120VAC, and I attach a 20' cord and plug for a power source.
For something like this, do I even need a thru-door lockable disconnect?
I used to do this all the time years ago (because I thought it was acceptable) and today I heard that's not acceptable. Have I been doing it wrong all along, or did something change? My thought is...what good would a disconnect do when you can just unplug it?
I took a look at 430.12, I saw didn't see anything saying yay or nay.

I appreciate your thoughts, thank you.
See 430.109 for the general rules (read the whole thing) and 430.109 (F) for the specific application. Also see 430.110 for some other significant issues.
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Through the door disconnects are going away due to 70e, Even though they disconnect power to the cabinet internals, proper arc flash garb still has to be worn due to the voltage available at the line side of the disconnect. External disconnects in a seperate enclosure are now becoming the norm.
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