I have a 200A subpanel being fed from 800A panel.
Regarding 200A panel now. There are 4 small ground bars screwed right in on the panel metal box, each in one corner. The main grounding conductor coming from 800A panel is connected to only one ground bar, all 4 of them connect through the metal panel box though. Do I have to bond them using bonding jumper conductor or is the connection through the panel box enough??
Just thinking if one of them gets loose.
thanks in advance.
Regarding 200A panel now. There are 4 small ground bars screwed right in on the panel metal box, each in one corner. The main grounding conductor coming from 800A panel is connected to only one ground bar, all 4 of them connect through the metal panel box though. Do I have to bond them using bonding jumper conductor or is the connection through the panel box enough??
Just thinking if one of them gets loose.
thanks in advance.