There is a switchboard that has all the fuses in it without an interrupting rating and they are feeding loads. The fuses are inside switchboard that has 200kA SCCR switches.
There are spare 400A fuses without interrupting ratings inside a 200kA SCCR, 400A switch that I want to use to add a panelboard. This 400A is basically a service switch.
From my understanding, if the fuse kAIC is not labelled, then it must be assumed that the fuse is rated at 10kAIC. But it seems weird, why would there be 10kAIC fuses in a 200k SCCR switchboard?
If I was to utilize the 400AS/400AF to feed a new panelboard, do I need a 10kA SCCR panel? Or do I call utility to make sure the available fault current is not more than 10kA? what would you guys do?
If the available fault current is more than 10kA, does this mean I would have to replace every fuse on that switchboard?
Here's the fuse with no kAIC rating:
There are spare 400A fuses without interrupting ratings inside a 200kA SCCR, 400A switch that I want to use to add a panelboard. This 400A is basically a service switch.
From my understanding, if the fuse kAIC is not labelled, then it must be assumed that the fuse is rated at 10kAIC. But it seems weird, why would there be 10kAIC fuses in a 200k SCCR switchboard?
If I was to utilize the 400AS/400AF to feed a new panelboard, do I need a 10kA SCCR panel? Or do I call utility to make sure the available fault current is not more than 10kA? what would you guys do?
If the available fault current is more than 10kA, does this mean I would have to replace every fuse on that switchboard?
Here's the fuse with no kAIC rating:
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