Do non-passenger freight elevators need to be on EM power

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Do non-passenger freight elevators need to be on EM power. We have an existing freight elevator in NYC that is not fed by the emergency generator. An elevator modernization consultant is updating the elevator with new equipment - new motor, new controls, etc. Does the elevator need to now be provided by emergency power or can it be refed by the existing feed? Note it is a freight elevator - not a passenger elevator.
I was able to confirm that the freight elevator is not legally required to be on emergency power because the "modernized" elevator is re-using the existing shaft, making it an alteration. On top of being a freight elevator and not a passenger "egress" elevator.
Freight elevators often carry people along with the cargo. Even if there's only an operator onboard, I'd hope that there's a means of egress during an emergency. (Not the answer, but common sense IMHO.)
Maybe not the same in NYC, but generally even passenger elevators are not required to have emergency power unless they are part of the means of emergency egress (intended to be used during a fire.)
Years ago we got paid twice for a such a project, apparently NYC allows it to be modernized but the insurance carrier thought otherwise about liability and wanted it on EM panel.
Years ago we got paid twice for a such a project, apparently NYC allows it to be modernized but the insurance carrier thought otherwise about liability and wanted it on EM panel.
It is up to the authority having jurisdiction to classify what’s emergency and what’s not. And it’s important that they do, because per article 700, non-emergency loads are not allowed to be on the emergency panel. The elevator would either be required to be on the emergency panel or required not to be.
Do non-passenger freight elevators need to be on EM power. We have an existing freight elevator in NYC that is not fed by the emergency generator. An elevator modernization consultant is updating the elevator with new equipment - new motor, new controls, etc. Does the elevator need to now be provided by emergency power or can it be refed by the existing feed? Note it is a freight elevator - not a passenger elevator.
I retired from a large Pa hospital that had twenty two elevators. One could have been considered a freight elevator because it only carried food & supplies one floor from loading dock up one floor to cafeteria. All but one of the other elevators traveled from first floor to top ( 12th ) floor. Was told that JACHO or some other authority only required 50% of the elevators to be on EM power but every one went thru ATS'S to supply all of them with EM power. Was well thought out. Where they had an elevator bank of 4 elevators 2 were on an ATS & the other 2 thru another ATS. Was friendly with the two full time elevator tech who worked there. They were very happy when they remodeled elevators by replacing the old DC motors with AC motors & VFD'S. A lot more reliable and lot less maintenance.
Good afternoon. To add to this question in nyc...
Would a three floor hydraulic elevator (cellar to 2nd floor) need to be powered by an standby emergency power via automatic transfer switch & generator? There are 2 other elevators serving floors 1-6 of this new R-1 building.
What code nyc bc 2022 or asme17.1 does it say yay or nay regarding standby power requirements for such a service elevator that only stops on floors cellar to 2nd?
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