Do simplex receptacles meet the requirements of 210.52?

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Electrical Engineer
It doesn't explicitly say that duplex receptacles are required, but installing simplex receptacles would halve the available receptacles, and the whole point is to avoid needing extension cords. Has anyone ever installed only simplex receptacles? Has anyone ever had issues doing so?
It doesn't explicitly say that duplex receptacles are required, but installing simplex receptacles would halve the available receptacles, and the whole point is to avoid needing extension cords. Has anyone ever installed only simplex receptacles? Has anyone ever had issues doing so?
The requirement is for the spacing of receptacle outlets. A single receptacle is a receptacle outlet.
What is the cost difference between simplex and duplex? What if you want a simplex gfci?
There are simplex receptacles with built-in night lights that are nice on those stupid skinny walls next to doors next to closets, in a corner, but have to have a damned receptacle.
Yes the single receptacles are compliant but they cost more than a duplex so why would you do it. We do use single receptacles on an island or peninsula because we use the sillite receptacles
Yes the single receptacles are compliant but they cost more than a duplex so why would you do it. We do use single receptacles on an island or peninsula because we use the sillite receptacles
The architect picked out some designer receptacles. I think being more expensive was their goal...
Is this a dwelling? I would loathe the architect that put only single receptacles in my house.

Causes people to use these.
Only if “stupid skinny” is at least 2 feet wide.
Yup. That would be the wall.

It’s also next to the door leading back to the house.

There’s never going to be furniture in front of that receptacle, or another one on another stupid-skinny wall, so night-light single receptacle outlets it was!
Yup. That would be the wall.

It’s also next to the door leading back to the house.

There’s never going to be furniture in front of that receptacle, or another one on another stupid-skinny wall, so night-light single receptacle outlets it was!

It happens. My daughter’s house has a 28” wall between a door and a stairway. It has a receptacle that will get less use than turn signal on a BMW!
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