I have a standard saying, I can look at any house on any street (house built before 1980 or so) and I already know the house needs a roof, windows, boiler, siding. So I would wag the house needs $60,000. right off the bat before seeing it and before touching any interior refresh.
I am at the point I would look at an older house and I might say the siding needs to be peeled and layer(s) of rigid foam board and / or Roxul insulation would go up on the outside, proper vapor barrier in the right place and maybe a specified air gap between layers, flashed and tied into the new windows, then you can reside it.
Now how many jobs like that can I sell. None except to myself.
You can monitor the condition and get a nice report about it. Owner may read it once or twice and then he forgets he owns the thing. This device, looks like the panel has to be opened and the current clamps go on the mains. There are a lot of guys who would change their own dimmer switch but would usually never take the main panel cover off. Same guys need a boiler, roof, windows, siding ...
I did not dig into the website, just a quick glance, but I saw the promo where the existing user says 'wow this thing told me I could save money with heat pump DHW'. That information is already available without the data logger. They are either targeting the device to idiot early adopters who can be encouraged to take the cover off their main electric panels, have an adrenaline inducing adventure in their own basements seeing if they can not cook themselves. I would inquire further to see if the company is there to service and support the customers.
Unless the customer pulls the meter themselves, power will still be on to the conductors at the main breakers where the current clamps would likely go. If the company represents that the customer should have an electrician install the device, they should also have good contractor support and target their market that way.
The first generation Nest was marketed as something every homeowner could install themselves and the AI would take it from there.
But the existing old stat wiring was mostly all two conductor switch leg and the Nest really ran properly only with a third conductor that was the steady neutral or common, to power the device through R and common. For the two wire switch leg circuit the Next would scavenge power across the open circuit to run the cpu and wifi. My brother in law did that, changed everything himself, and the Nest would turn his Taco circ control into a buzzer. I though it was going to burn down right there in front of me when I saw it, but the brother in law super smart guy did not seem to notice the Taco control was chattering. They sold something that was not suitable for the application, and they should have known it would smoke somebody's heating or cooling equipment.