Does Adding a Safety Loop change NEC Code Requirements for U-pulled pull boxes

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Engineer Intern 1
Typically for sizing pull box you see these graphics which depict u pulls as 2 per 9 degree angles require minimally.

However in practice I see, a lot of underground pull boxes that don’t use the 6 x conduit size rule for distances especially when the wire are pulled out in a safety loop. Is there a code section for the safety loop? If there is excess wire, would Section 214.28 still apply?

The conductors in the picture do not appear to be #4 or larger so the only applicable rule would be cu inches
the loop allows for a splice if wire has to be replaced. Most UG pullboxes specs don't follow 314.28
hmm in 314.30 handhold enclosures. it says that boxes should be sized in accordance to 314.28. In practice I guess having courtesy loop and not spacing the conductor is more common?

is it practicality vs code thing?
hmm in 314.30 handhold enclosures. it says that boxes should be sized in accordance to 314.28. In practice I guess having courtesy loop and not spacing the conductor is more common?

is it practicality vs code thing
Most of the hand holes I saw were on roadway and street lighting. Some of those installs are designed by non electrical persons, or not inspected.
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