Does an RW typically run the low volt wires for garage door sensors?

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New member
I'm an RW in the state of Colorado. I have been doing this for almost 8 years now, off and on. I had a builder go into a full on freak out because I didn't run the wire for the garage door sensors. I told him I have never done that before and it wasn't my job to do so. I don't run the HVAC guys thermostat wire do I?! . I told him the garage door installers run the wire for the sensors and openers. I have wired hundreds of homes for different builders and this is the first time this has even been an issue. Am I losing my mind?! I was just looking for a place to vent my frustration :rant:

He told me I was going to be back charged. What a great day i'm having...
I've always run the garage door opener wire . I use to always run the door bell wire, too. But now most of the homes I am doing are getting intercoms.
Here's what I do,
I will run thermostat wire from opener location to pushbutton location(s), that's it.

A long time ago I also got flack about it but at that time, and it still may be prevalent; that the eye sensor wires at times had there own connectors and some did not, so I did not rely on the garage door people to supply those wires for me to install and besides that many of the door openers that were installed on my jobs actually have clips to attach those wires to the top side of the opener rail. So the door opener contractor would install those.

Its been a good relationship that way.

The eye wires run along the opener rail then along a 2x4 inside at the top of the door then down along side of a 2x6 that the door track is bolted to. So there is little to see or complain about.
"Does an RW typically run the low volt wires for garage door sensors?"
Every single time here. Never even thought it was a question. 1000+ house roping veteran here. I have seen the aftermath of a coworker forgetting though = irate builder and/or homeowner after the gdo installer stapled wiring throughout the finished garage, & yes they were mad at the electricians.
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