Does EMT have to be continuous to serve as equipment ground?

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Does emt have to be continuous to serve as equipment ground? 8/3 from panel to 4 square box, 4 square box grounded by 8/3. From 4 square box to another 4 square box, through a wall to another 4 square box up to a disconnect. Do the two 4 square boxes in the middle need to have a grounding pig tail off of them and coonect to the 8/3 grounding conductor. Or can the emt serve as the equipment ground for those two boxes?
But I think that if the circuit conductors have a termination in any of the boxes the wire EGC which is also present does need to be connected to the ground pigtail of that box.
So if I do not install a grounding screw in the two 4 square boxes then the conductors can pass straight through both to the disconnect?
You can even daisy-chain NM and EMT sections, as long as each EGC is properly terminated. You could go from NM to EMT, EMT back to NM, and NM back to EMT again. You just need to maintain an intact fault-current pathway.
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