When we consider fully rate panelboard, we need to consider panelboard enclosure AIC rating and breaker AIC rating. The lower number will be the fully rating number.
For example. enclosure is 65kaic, breaker is 42kaic. then this panelboard is 42kAic fully rate.
what about series rating?
If panelboard "P" enclosure is 65kaic, branch breaker "B" is 42kaic. and the breaker "B" is able to series rate with upstream device "A" up to 100kaic.
question: if the fault current at this panelboard is 70kA, can we say this panelboard is 100Kaic series rate or 65kaic series rate? Is this panelboard good for this 70kA fault?
For example. enclosure is 65kaic, breaker is 42kaic. then this panelboard is 42kAic fully rate.
what about series rating?
If panelboard "P" enclosure is 65kaic, branch breaker "B" is 42kaic. and the breaker "B" is able to series rate with upstream device "A" up to 100kaic.
question: if the fault current at this panelboard is 70kA, can we say this panelboard is 100Kaic series rate or 65kaic series rate? Is this panelboard good for this 70kA fault?