Does this connection look right?

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New member
Here is the story, Solar City installed solar panels on my house and a few weeks after I had to upgrade the main panel to 200A. The electrician that did the work send me this pic and said that solar city did a double tap and was not up to code.

What do you think? Is there anything wrong here? thank you!
Although we do not allow DIY questions here, I am allowing this one because we are not being asked how to fix an issue. The only question being asked is whether there is, or is not, an issue. That said, I do not know the answer, so I will leave this open to the membership to address.
Taps are allowed, when following the tap rules. What is being called a "double tap?" I'm a competition shooter, so I can't get the other meaning out of my head.

Was the Solar City job inspected?
Here is the story, Solar City installed solar panels on my house and a few weeks after I had to upgrade the main panel to 200A. The electrician that did the work send me this pic and said that solar city did a double tap and was not up to code.

What do you think? Is there anything wrong here? thank you!
View attachment 22433
very common around here.
Id say that there was a issue where the POCO did not accept a line side tap.
That panel looks like a zinsco 100 amp. so there might have been issue with the amount and placement of back-feed.
I can't even tell what the heck I'm looking at. :?

Added: It looks like a bottom-fed meter enclosure inside a larger enclosure. What's missing?

Gutted Zinsco underground semi-flush panel. Why that garbage was not replaced at the time of the solar install is a question to ask.
At this point why do you care? That panel is going in the dumpster so whatever they did is no longer an issue.

If you see something that IS wrong, it's indicative of the care and skill that may be in places of the job you didn't get to see and are still there. It's a fair question. And now he can rest easy knowing there likely was nothing wrong, and it was probably just another electrician that wasn't familiar with that method being allowed. I'd never heard of or seen taps until I debased myself and started hanging out here. Still never seen one in the wild.
At this point why do you care? That panel is going in the dumpster so whatever they did is no longer an issue.


Well, if we can't assume that a load side connection was compliant before the service upgrade, we can't assume it is afterward. The electrician who did the upgrade doesn't know the code well enough to be trusted to get it right.
Id say that there was a issue where the POCO did not accept a line side tap.
That panel looks like a zinsco 100 amp. so there might have been issue with the amount and placement of back-feed.

Or Solar City didn't want the liability of installing a breaker on a Zinsco. The question is why they didn't insist that the customer do the service panel upgrade first.
Id say that there was a issue where the POCO did not accept a line side tap.
That panel looks like a zinsco 100 amp. so there might have been issue with the amount and placement of back-feed.

It is a line side tap. It's between the meter and the (now gone) main breaker.
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