Does this meet code

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Problem is two lighting panels being fed by one run of 4 - 1/ C. # 500 kcmil + EG.
Both panels have 300 amp main breakers . Total panel load amps 214 and 217 amps . BUT Each panel feeds a 112,5 kva xfmr. that feeds a 400 amp panel that feeds 4 - 100 amp , 208 / 120V receptacle panels.
It would seem logical to assume a large diversity factor with these receptacle panel loads. Which means the lighting panel loads are low. I tried to attach a copy of the riser diagram but would not attach.
The main supply ACB is rated 800 amp / 400 amp trip.
5oo kcmil is rated 380 Amps at 75 C.
Your experience with this set up and code requirements much appreciated. I think it meets code ?
What part of what you are describing do you feel does not meet code? Also, what code cycle are you on, and have you looked through the codes? Could you identify a code you feel is not met?
"Total panel load amps 214 and 217 amps . "
Does this mean on panel has a 214 amp load and the other a 217 ??
If so and they are fed by one run of 500s on a 400 amp OCP device, you have a problem there.
How long has this setup been this way? Has anything tripped? How many receptacles are there? Are they for something specific or general use? It sounds like a really poor design, but if it's been this way for some time and nothing has tripped, it's probably okay.
In a new installation it doesn't meet code, however, if the amps you are giving are calculated loads, then a 30 day load study that shows 15 minute peak less than the 380 amps would "legalize" the installation, in my opinion.
Thanks, i knew it was not a good design and was seeking your opinions. Much appreciated that i can be on this forum.
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