Does This Need AFCI Protection?

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What chapter 3 wiring method applies to that? Or is it more of a cordset or other similar device listed for the purpose?

If it is an extension of premises wiring I say AFCI would need to be added if the supply circuit doesn't already have AFCI.

If it is a listed cordset or other similar device then it is no different then plugging in an extension cord.
We installed an AFCI receptacle to replace an existing receptacle nearby the lower portion of the power bridge To plug into and the Inspector said we didn't have to because he considered it a temporary installation because of the extension cord that connects the power bridge.:roll::roll:
We installed an AFCI receptacle to replace an existing receptacle nearby the lower portion of the power bridge To plug into and the Inspector said we didn't have to because he considered it a temporary installation because of the extension cord that connects the power bridge.:roll::roll:

Based on your previous thread, did you "Challenge" the inspector that it is not a temporary installation? ;)
I've installed those things before. pos. there is a section in the 2014 NEC that covers these things those I forget what it is. They are not permanently part of the building wiring. I'd have no problem installing one of these w/o ever looking in the panel for AFCI breakers. an extension cord to run your wall mount TV via these things is so much a DIY fix I dont know what to say. If you can install one of these in 30 minutes the first time, you're either a liar, on drugs, or have a photographic memory and insane reading speed, or all three, especially since the directions for cutting the tube between split round boxes leaves a LOT to be desired.
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