Door swing and disconnect switch

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Tualatin, Oregon, USA
Electrical design engineer, Industrial equipment
Is there any code violation in having the door hinge on the same side of an electrical cabinet as the incoming power disconnect?
(see attached photo. the door hinge is opposite of the handle)
I understand that it may not exactly be the best practice, but oftentimes, what our customers ask for and what is best practice don't exactly align.

As long as you meet the requirements of 110.26 with the door closed there should be no problem.

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The door need to open a minimum of 90°. As long as the disconnect doesn't limit the opening to less than 90° you're good.
Thanks for the information folks! I had spent about an hour and a half scouring through NFPA 70 and NFPA 79 (thank the stars for pdf copies, am I right?) and wasn't finding anything. This gives me much assurance.
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