Yes, but was my understanding through another company that most dry types are typically rated for indoor use unless specifically weather guarded. Or at least the common isolation units we have around. That is probably not all that accurate, but I think the indoor units are always selected based on price. We have some others that have a specific sheltered roof over them, which I don't think, after this thread, is due to any code matter, but rather just providing additional protection.
It does sound like general weather guarding is all that is needed.
What has basically happened here is several transformers were installed and used indoors. Then in an effort to reduce noise and obstructions, some of these transformers were put on pads outdoors and does not appear weather provisions were made. I mean, they are certainly running and I am not in a race to "fix" it, but just assessing any potential concern for weather related damage. I was mostly inspecting to ensure there was no way rodents could get in, which we have had happen.