Ductwork above suspended ceiling in electrical closet

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Senior Member

I have a situation where there is a suspended ceiling in the electrical closet. There is a big duct running above the suspended ceiling. The height from the panelboard top to the bottom of the duct is more than 6' which by 110.26 is okay. But my question comes where 110.26 says foreign systems above the dedicated electrical systems are allowed and you need to install a drip pan or some system for leakage protection. Do you still need the drip pan considering there is a tile ceiling below the ductwork? Wouldnt that serve as a protection from any leakage on to the panels?

Thanks in advance!!
I think the drip pan is required for foreign systems that carry liquid or develop condensation. But the wording may not limit it to that.
Yes you need it. If condensation forms on the duct and drops onto the tile ceiling, the tile ceiling will erode, a hole will form, and future drips will hit the panelboard.
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