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where I can find in the NEC to defined the sizing of the conductor of the a AC Dynamometer ?AC Dynamometer considered to be a electric motors?
so possible I can calculated it 100% percent of the name plate current rating? As exception stated right? is any reason why it is in the category in generator instead of electric motor?
I think, before we go any farther, we need to discuss terminology. What, exactly, is this Dynamometer used for? Is it part of a machine that measures rotational power like a wheel or chassis dyno which is used for testing the power output of motor vehicles or equipment engines? I was assuming you were using the term as another name for an A/C power generator. If, indeed, this is an A/C electric motor then your sizing of conductors begins with 430.21....and requires a good bit of study.
Yes it is, this dynamometer was used motor vehicle and engine to measure the torque and speed and other data measurement.by definition dynamometer is instrument to measure the power of the engine.so by this meaning it came with the argument that others interpret that dynamometer is a measurement device and not a electric motor because it is not function as the ordinary electrical motor and not part of the NEC as by in definition and function wise. On the other hand others think it was a electrical motor as the way as it look and operate.by not clearly defined term "dynamometer"
in NEC it always comes different interpretation and always comes around.in my understanding since the dynamometer was driven in power conversion equipment(ADJUSTABLE SPEED DRIVE SYSTEM)I have to look in 430.122 for which I think it can used the current name plate rating of drive as minimum conductor size as long the drive listed and marked as "suitable for output conductor protection"(430.6(B) 2020 NEC UPDATE 430.122)
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this dynamometer was used motor vehicle and engine to measure the torque and speed and other data measurement.

Ok. Before we go any further what are YOU going to do with this thing? I assume that it was used in a dynamometer but now you want to use it for something else? How about a picture as well as a picture of the name plate?

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