Does anyone have any good or bad experiences using vapor cloud dispersion modeling as part of a basis for establishing the extents of a hazardous location around a compressor station blowdown? API RP500 seems to encourage their use, with sound judgment. Fig 14 refelcts minimum distances, and and 7.2.3 seem to point you to dipersion modeling. Issue is EPA and API seem to have concluded dispersion modeling for large releases tends to overpredict the the size of the vapor cloud. If process engineers had their way, I should be classifying the whole county. Case in point, LTA capor cloud, station blowdown, 96% methane, under the right ambient conditions, will have a cloud almost 10X what the most conservative scenario in API RP500 Appendix D, Fig D-4 calls for. Granted these scenarios only last for a 10 minute event, but we do not classify based on a quantitative approach in RP500.