Classified Locations
Classified Locations
There are some locations that can be pretty straight forward for these locations, but from my experience in these locations, an Electrical Engineer needs to look over these locations and classify these areas. The process at times can take a while depending on the locations, the material or mixtures of gases, ventilation, several things to consider in these locations.
If you have opportunities to visit with an EE, this will be well worth your time they are trained in calculating, processing, evaluating, and recommending as well as specifing the proper construction, maintenance, design. A EE can take a lot off your mind, and put everybody at ease in these locations.
The reason I say this, is it can get complicated when going from one area classification to another in some places, sometimes people will over do it and just build it Cl 1 Div 1. While this is an option, sometimes an EE would save time an material, and help mitigate some of the liability in these locations.