Has anyone worked with Smart Breakers or Breakers with the built in relay to switch on and off with BAS. Can that system only be controlled by BAS when adjustments or new equipment wil be added? I have seen before and usually a Number is provided by customer to contact facilities management and diagnosis problems with breaker of timers.
i have a set of breakers that control window lights a dept store and arent coming on when store opens. The employees every day flick the relay portion of breaker to turn on. NO at store can direct me to facilitates management to discuss the problem.The equipment is Eaton and it has a display panel on electrical panel. I have never seem this type of panel board and was wondering if someone has a little more experience with system. I am afraid to touch because if I accidential turn off lights or disrupt programming I wont know how to turn lights back on. The BAS system is DISTECH controls is assume this is the BAS system controlling lighting at the moment unless the Easton controller does all that. ANY Help will do.
i have a set of breakers that control window lights a dept store and arent coming on when store opens. The employees every day flick the relay portion of breaker to turn on. NO at store can direct me to facilitates management to discuss the problem.The equipment is Eaton and it has a display panel on electrical panel. I have never seem this type of panel board and was wondering if someone has a little more experience with system. I am afraid to touch because if I accidential turn off lights or disrupt programming I wont know how to turn lights back on. The BAS system is DISTECH controls is assume this is the BAS system controlling lighting at the moment unless the Easton controller does all that. ANY Help will do.